Our Apology: An Open Letter to Christian Ladies


forgive us, your brothers in Christ.  forgive us the times we outright sin against you, call us out, but forgive us.  forgive us the times we fall short of the life to which we are called.  our hearts are desperately wicked, who can understand them, and they work against us and victimize you.  like Paul in Romans, we do what we do not want to do.

forgive us the times we see you as no more than a pretty something to be looked at.  you are so much more.  you are daughters of a true King, you bear the image of the author and creator.  you have souls which deserve nourishment and protection, not cheap attention.  you are our sisters, whom we should guard in all righteousness.

help us, and understand the sway you have over us.  see that we are easily led astray and distracted from the path.  teach us, compel us to seek you rightly.  hold out for not just our affection, but our pursuit.  forgive us that we are passive and immature, have patience with us as we overcome the lies that our culture has told us about women.

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